Purchase Order

The Purchase Order folder facilitates managing and tracking purchase orders across both stock and service-based transactions. It contains the following components:


  • Create Purchase Order: Initiates stock procurement by creating a purchase order.

  • Update Purchase Order: Modifies an existing stock purchase order with new details.


  • Create Purchase Order: Handles service-related purchases with a specific order process.

  • Update Purchase Order: Allows changes to service purchase orders.

Additionally, the folder includes the following APIs:

  • Get Purchase Order: Retrieves a specific purchase order.

  • Get All Purchase Orders: Fetches a list of all purchase orders.

  • Delete Purchase Order: Deletes an existing purchase order.

  • Bulk Delete Purchase Orders: Removes multiple purchase orders at once.

  • Convert to Purchase Bill: Converts an order to a purchase bill.

  • Cancel Purchase Order: Cancels an existing purchase order.

These APIs streamline the purchase order process for both stock and service items, ensuring efficient transaction and inventory management.