
The Inventory API folder includes the following:

  1. Stock:

    • Create Stock: Add new stock.

    • Update Stock: Modify existing stock.

    • Get Stock: Retrieve details of a specific stock item.

    • Delete Stock: Remove stock from the system.

    • Get All Stock: Fetch all available stock records.

  2. Stock Group:

    • Create Stock Group: Establish a new group for managing stock.

    • Update Stock Group: Edit details of an existing stock group.

    • Get Stock Group: View information about a stock group.

    • Delete Stock Group: Remove a stock group.

  3. Inventory Report:

    • Group Wise Report: Generate reports by stock group.

    • Itemwise Report: Create detailed reports per individual item.

    • Variant Report: Generate reports based on stock variants.

    • Transaction Report: View historical transaction details.

    • Balance API: Retrieve current stock balance.

This folder supports effective inventory management and insightful reporting for operational efficiency.