Giddh, May 8, 2013

5 Areas where you might accidentally commit mistake this year

5 Areas where you might accidentally commit mistake this year

A large number of things are needed to be taken care of in the business, especially when the business is in its growth stage and things are shifting shape drastically. Also, a good amount of things have been modified in the accounting arena this year. Hence, the chances that you might accidentally commit a mistake have also increased.

However, if these areas are paid a wee bit attention, the accidental mistakes can be avoided easily. Areas you MUST look after this year comprise of:

1. Budgeting = Base Of A Prosperous Business

Can you think of walking on a jammed-with-vehicles road with a blindfold on your eyes? Running a business without planning about the budget means walking the same way as above and running a great business, but blindly. You should therefore be paying attention to your financial plans this year.

2. Inability To Categorize In A Proper Manner

Every business has a certain amount of cash coming in and going out. But the problem starts arising when you have no idea of how much exactly is coming in and how much is going out. And the root of this problem is your inability to categorize money in a proper manner, which should necessarily be paid a heed.

3. Treating Petty Expenses Casually

When it comes to managing the trade, every little thing matters. And the most common mistake people commit is treating the petty expenses casually, which takes shape of something bigger and affects things in the long run.

4. Hiring An Inexperienced Person To Handle Your Accounts

Another noticeable area that needs immediate attention is the person you are hiring to handle your accounts. Ask yourself some basic questions like, is the person qualified enough to handle something as big as accounts? Does he/she have the eye of a seer that will help you avoid future losses and manage present gains? If the answer is no, then well, it’s time to hire a better person.

5. Confusing Normal Profits With Huge Cash Inflows

Problems start arising in the business when the accountants start confusing normal profits with huge cash inflows and forget where exactly these cash inflows were meant to be utilized. A proper distinguishing line therefore needs to be maintained before the confusion between normal profits and huge cash inflows starts surfacing.

Try to pay heed to these petty but important areas and you’ll never again have to face problem due to these little mistakes.