Giddh, December 8, 2017

7 features of Giddh accounting software that help SMEs

Whether it’s a small-scale business r a large-scale, the business areas to pay attention on are almost the same. But with limited financial assistance, smaller team at hand and new name in the market, the process can be more challenging for start-ups and SMEs. Therefore, it’s always a wise decision to go for smarter ways of getting work done. Accounting, say, is one of the most important but complicated areas of business management. New cloud based accounting software like Giddh have been developed to simplify accounting for you so that you are sorted with all complicated metrics. This is how Giddh can help your SME:

1. Integration and syncing

This feature of the software enables you to integrate all your bank accounts with Giddh which then becomes your master door to all the accounts. The banks sync with Giddh so you don’t have to worry about maintaining different bank accounts separately. This reduces the areas you have to keep your eye on which in turn helps you pay more attention on growing your business.

2. Multiple user access, no need of updating

It’s easy to manage multiple user accounts in Giddh. You can add, merge or move your accounts by adding related information. You can also share the accounts with stakeholders. What’s even better is that the multi-level hierarchy feature of this software allows you to arrange your groups in a better way. You can easily move one group to another and share it with any concerned person of the business. So the same set of records can be accessed by different persons and you can keep a tab on exactly what data the person has an access to.

3. Invoicing made easy

You no longer have to worry about invoicing and its complications. The software does it for you. Using Giddh, you can easily generate, import and share the invoices in real-time. So the moment you know X owes you 100K, X also knows that he needs to pay you 100K. No calling and following-up and asking for payments. Giddh does it. Moreover, this software is systematized to make invoices directly from the entries. So you don’t have put in any extra efforts. For your record, you can mark the invoices as paid, partially paid or unpaid. Your customers also get the facility of paying by just clicking on a button on the invoice.So the chances for discrepancies in transactions are almost zero. Now do you think invoicing could get any easier?

7 features of Giddh accounting software that help SMEs
4. Growth projections

You may be doing all that you think is right for your business, but how do you know if it’s really going to work? Through Giddh. This software helps you forecast the revenue, expenses, and growth during a business term. It gives you a fair idea about how you need to modify your strategy in order to maximize the profit and gives a foresighted vision for your enterprise’s growth. Hence, all your inputs are likely to get oriented in the right direction.

5. Quick analysis

This software provides you with automatic trial balance, profit and loss statement, groups and account wise reports and advanced analytical search just at the go of a few clicks. So you don’t have to depend on your accountants for reports or worry about any errors in them. All essential reports are generated automatically whereas you also have the option to generate more custom detailed reports. Giddh lets you view these reports online as graphs or export them as excel spread sheets. So you can easily understand how your business is growing and figure out the most profitable strategy.

6. Direct ledger entries

This feature lets you export, import, and share real-time ledgers with your customers. Like fully-featured Bookkeeping software, Giddh can export and import your ledgers to and from other software. Its API integrates seamlessly into your software. So all you have to do is feed the entries and Giddh takes care of the rest. It handles all accounting records for your business and generates financial statements and business reports without an error and within no time. Undoubtedly, this feature makes the otherwise complicated process much hassle-free.

7. Complementary support benefits

SMEs may have to experience many ups and downs before finally achieving a stable position. There may be times when you’ve to take risk-involved decisions for your business or overcome a downturn. That’s what Giddh’s extended support service is for.It lets you ask away any queries and get suggestions. You get a 24/7 chat support from the team at no extra cost. Through Giddh, you also get direct access to a panel of experienced chartered accountants and international Law firms.This helps you in readily getting the right advice for your business.

If you are a small business looking for an end-to-end financial management solution, talk to us.