Giddh, July 21, 2018

Multi-currency Solutions The Secret Ingredient to your Business’s Success!

After all…profits should know no borders…

Multi-currency Solutions The Secret Ingredient to your Business’s Success!WE believe that your accounting solution needs to be global. Opportunities are no longer limited by borders.

To function well in a global marketplace, accountants and business owners alike need resources. Resources to grow, expand and make their mark in the world.

Businesses Are taking the ‘Glocal’ Approach-

Businesses of all sizes in our country are taking the advantage of technology to expand globally, accessing new markets to grow revenue. By taking their accounts to the cloud, business owners are adopting the most convenient way to manage their finances and streamline their processes. This leaves them more time to create better business and operation strategies.

Technology has enabled business of all sizes to operate at scale across multiple regions. But the shrinking world has brought its own set of challenges. This includes managing clients across the border while serving the ones that are local.

New Business with Old System Was a Bad Idea 🙁

Before multi-currency solutions, serving International clients was complex for both the rapid growing businesses and the accountants associated with them.

Offline accounting systems tried to cater these businesses with multi-currency needs. But this was always been challenging as the information never got updated.

Using old data on exchange rate meant business decisions based on performance were hard to make. Not to mention, the hindrance of not being able to accept payment in ones own currency hampered the flow of finance of a business.

But that’s all changed. Our online accounting platform understands the needs of a business when it comes to accessing currency data.

Let’s delve in deeper to know, just how..

We offer the right set of tools to help you realize your dream of becoming a business that can engage customers from different locations.
The Giddh Edge 🙂

Giddh periodically pull in exchange rates online so that businesses and their advisors can make decisions more accurately.

We understand each business is different and requires platforms that are flexible enough to work the way you need them to.

In Giddh you can set a default currency to the one in which you conduct your business, so that you can receive invoices in Dollar or Yen or Euro, and get paid in Rupees! Even your final financial reports such as balance sheets, profit/loss account and trial balance will be generated in your base currency. Giddh’s Multi-currency feature is so effortless, it doesn’t require additional thinking — it just works!

In Closing…

Asthe world gets more and more digital, it is bound to provide opportunities of global expansion, and it always welcomes people who want to go big and make a difference. Giddh offers the right set of tools to help you realize your dream of becoming a business that can engage customers from different locations.