Giddh, May 13, 2013

Our love-letter to innovation

Our love-letter to innovation> In today’s world of cut-throat competition, it becomes important to keep introducing something fresh in the market; otherwise the creations would be lost in the crowd of existing products.

So this season we thought to give a love-letter to innovation by introducing online accounting software for the amateurs out there.

How exactly online accounting is our way of giving love-letter to innovation:

1. Introducing something which gives the feel of technology

When we talk about technology, we do not just SAY it, we MEAN it too.

One of the prime most things involved in doing something innovative is letting technology be a chief part of the things you do. Because the days when papers used to be the sole witness to the business you did, exist no more.

2. Offering an uncomplicated way to do things

Isn’t easing out the complexities involved in the business one of the most basic things you ought to do? Driving out difficulties from your business is itself a great way to the path of innovation.

That is exactly what we are offering you — an uncomplicated way of getting things done.

3. Letting time not be a barrier to get things done

Time should never be a constraint to the road to your goals. It most often happens that bigger tasks remain incomplete solely because minute tasks were paid so much heed that they consumed all of the time, which resulted in undone chores.

We therefore offer you an innovative way that does only save your time, but also gets your things done in a matter of a few minutes.

4. Giving a fresh way to deal with the papers

What could be more innovative than a totally fresh way to deal with the papers of your business and giving a new direction to the way you work?

And well, when you have the option to store all your precious data over the cloud, there cannot be an easier and happening thing than that. Because you will never have to mess up with those messy papers again.

5. Comparison at your fingertips

Another way through which we have given a new way to innovation is by enabling comparison of data and reports. Because you will never be able to judge the actual performance of your business if you are unable to compare the figures itself.

By assisting you in comparison of your data with that of the previous month/years, you can easily analyse where exactly you are heading and what are the areas where you need improvement.

So, this is our way of giving love letter to innovation by bringing online accounting to the fore and presenting a brand new way to deal with the business.