Giddh, May 19, 2013

Simplicity is this season’s mantra to prosperity!

Simplicity is this season’s mantra to prosperity! How about solving: (z2-z3) ^2 = 4(z3-z1) (z1-z2) sin^2 alpha/2

Or, ((3x^2–27)/4) * ((8x^2)/ (9–3x)) / ((x^2 + 3x)/6)

Looks complicated, right?

In today’s age of transparency where the new age generation is fond of minimalism and offhand stuff, complication is something it stays away from. So why offer the accountants something that they find complicated to use and difficult to understand?

Hence, in order to make the entire process of business handling simpler and understandable, it is very much necessary that the accounts are kept tight, but with a sense of flexibility.

How simplicity can make your business errands easier to handle?

1. Focus on core tasks

There are endless tasks a business needs to complete on day-to-day basis. And it would become extremely difficult if the business keeps focusing on the not-so-important chores only. If the business persons pay attention to the core tasks on the other hand, then management of everyday corporate responsibilities will never be a matter of concern.

2. A well-arranged books of accounts looks cooler

Imagine a completely cluttered book of accounts, in which the transactions exist, but uncategorized, and there is little or no idea about the actual amount of entries done.

Now imagine a well-arranged book of accounts instead, that doesn’t just carry the details of your every accounting entry, but also manages the whole records in an efficient matter.

A well-arranged book of accounts is any day way cooler and simpler as compared to cluttered accounting.

3. Data redundancy will exist no more

One of the major problems faced by a business concern is redundancy or duplicity of data which complicates the process of data categorization even further.

Cloud computing takes the responsibility of managing your entire data regardless of the number of transactions done. Also, with the unique feature that enables categorization of accounting entries under various heads and sub-heads, data redundancy would come down to a bare minimum.

4. Save ALL your data over the cloud

Aren’t there other teeny-weeny things to worry about like the maid didn’t come to clean the house, or you got stuck in traffic? Amid these minor worries, who has the time to worry about data loss, for crying out loud?

And why should you be worrying about such meager issue when cloud computing is there to manage everything by allowing you to save ALL your data over the cloud.

This means that there won’t be any need to save your data manually and do other manual saving work, since your data would be automatically saved over the cloud.

5. Automatic report generation

Gone are the days when accountants used to prepare each accounting report manually and report analysis and comparison was paid little or no attention.

Ever since online accounting has marked its presence, there exists no need to prepare reports on manual basis, since the accounting software will do the job for you.

With a variety of features like creating a summary of comparative, common-size and generating other similar reports, simplicity is the new highlight of today’s accounting.

People reach new heights and all good things work, not because they are great, but because they carry the touch of simplicity in them.

Therefore, why complicate things more, when the same accounts and the same accounting entries can be coped up in a simpler way with online accounting as a mode to manage your accounts.