Setup Guide
Welcome Guide, Signing Up & login Create- Master, first company, multiple companies, keyboard shortcuts
Related Docs
Welcome to Giddh!
This small guides cover all the things that are important to you.
How to close navigation?
From the tribar you can collapse and expand the side bar.

Universal Search
Press Ctrl+G (for Windows) or Cmd+G (for Mac), here you can search any ledger and menu, and the settings option in Giddh.
It will redirect you to that particular page.

It will display recently used ledger accounts, so you can easily access the accounts by clicking on them.
Click on the "Plus icon" to add more accounts to your books and
click on the "Show more" to search

In the menu section, you can easily find the modules that is divided according to the group.

Full Menu
Click on the "Menu" button or the side button to open the full menu

Here you can see all the modules and you can also search the module.

6. Plus Icon
Click on the "Plus Icon", here you can navigate the module option easily

Welcome Guide
To sign up in Giddh, visit > Click on Signup

Select the option signup with google

Select your email ID through which you want to signup
Your signup is done.
Now create your company :)
You can also, signup with your Email ID and Password in Giddh.
Go to the > Click on Signup

Select the option signup with Email and Password

Enter your Email ID and password that you want to create for Giddh.
After clicking on the signup button, the verification code will send to your email id
Just fill that code and verify your email

Your signup is done. Now create your company:)
Signing Up for Giddh
To sign up in Giddh, visit > Click on Signup

Redirect at create Company page > fill the company name, currency, and mobile number

Provide the below company information
Select Unregister if you don’t have GSTIN

Business type - Register if you have GSTIN

Business Nature, GSTIN, Select Output GST Tax, Company Address

After entering all the required details click on Submit button.
Your Company has been created successfully :)
How to create the fi...
Login with Google in Giddh
Go to the > Click on Login >
Select the option Login with google
Select your email id through which you want to Login
Your Login is done.Login with Email ID and Password in Giddh
Go to the > Click on Login >
Select the option Login > Login with Email and Password
Fill your email id and password that you created for giddh loginYour Login is done. Now you can do your accounting.
How to Login Giddh
To create a master in Giddh, first, log in to your Giddh account.
Click on the master button present on the right-hand side top

Select the group in which you want to create the account. Eg. Current Assets
Click current assets > sundry debtor > Create New > Create Account/ Create Group

Fill in all the details asked and save it.

How to create a mast...
Go to the > login with google/email id password
Click on your company name for Switching company or Create Company

Redirect at create Company page > fill the company name, currency and mobile number >

Provide the below company information
Select Unregister if you don’t have GSTIN

Business type - Register if you have GSTIN

Business Nature, GSTIN, Select Output GST Tax, Company Address

After filing all the required details click on Submit button
Your new company has been created successfully!
How to create multip...
Command+G or Control+g
For searching any account of menu option you can use command+G for Mac and control+G for windowsAlt+c
If you are at any voucher creation page and while selecting the customer do you want to create a new one then you can see this shortcut key. It will open the pop-up of account creation.ESC
For closing any pop-up in Giddh you can use the ESC key.