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To add a new vendor in Giddh log in to your Giddh account.
To search anything in Giddh just press Ctrl+g (for Windows) or cmd+g (for Mac).
Type Ctrl+G or Cmd+G and search Vendor > Vendor (Menu) > +New Vendor

Fill the details > Save
Contact: Add the mobile number and Email ID of the vendor
Bank Details: Add Bank details to make payment to your vendor through Giddh
+ Add Address: You can add multiple addresses of the customer

You can also check import features for creating customers and vendors by clicking the link below:
How to add a vendor ...
To create a master in Giddh, log in to your Giddh account.
To search anything in Giddh just press Ctrl+G (for Windows) or Cmd+G (for Mac).
Type Ctrl+G or Cmd+G to search Master
Select the group in which you want to create the account. Eg. Current Assets
Click current assets > sundry debtor > Create New > Create Account/ Create Group
Fill in all the details asked and save it.
How to create a mast...
To create the multiple companies in Giddh log in/ signup to your Giddh account.
Click on your company name > Switch company > Create Company
Redirect at 'create Company page' > fill the company name, currency, and mobile number
Provide the below business information
After entering all the required details click on the submit button.
How to create multip...
To create/ edit or delete taxes in Giddh log in to your Giddh account.
To search anything in Giddh just press Ctrl+G (for Windows) or Cmd+G (for Mac).
Press Ctrl+G/ Cmd+G and type Tax > setting
Click on the New TAX button
It will open the 'create new tax' pop-up > Fill all the details and click on create button
For editing the created TAX
Login to > control+g > Tax > Select Setting
Now you will be able to see all the created TAXES > click on the edit icon that you want to edit
One update TAX pop-up will open now just update the details and click on the update button
Create/edit or delet...
To create the first company in Giddh log in/ signup to your Giddh account.
Redirect at 'create Company page' > fill the company name, currency, and mobile number
Provide the below business information
After entering all the required details click on the submit button.
How to create the fi...
To enable/ disable the column on the vendor page in Giddh log in to your Giddh account.
To search anything in Giddh just press Ctrl+G (for Windows) or Cmd+G (for Mac).
Press Ctrl+G/ Cmd+G and type vendor > vendor (menu)
It will open the vendor page at which you will see all your vendors.
On the right-hand side, you will see the filter icon.
Once you check the column it will reflect in your table