How to create, and edit TDS and TCS tax in Giddh?

Create/ edit or delete taxes


To create/ edit or delete taxes in Giddh log in to your Giddh account.

To search anything in Giddh just press Ctrl+G (for Windows) or Cmd+G (for Mac).

Press Ctrl+G/ Cmd+G and type Tax > setting

Click on the New TAX button 

It will open the 'create new tax' pop-up > Fill all the details and click on create button

Select Tax - 

Tax Percent - 

Name - 

Unique No - 

Select Type -

Apply Tax From - 

Tax Duration - 

Filing Date - 

For editing the created TAX

Login to > control+g > Tax > Select Setting

Now you will be able to see all the created TAXES > click on the edit icon that you want to edit 

One update TAX pop-up will open now just update the details and click on the update button
