Giddh, February 26, 2020

How can a small business manage HR through accounting software?

Human resources don’t work like any other resource. They cannot be quantified in any way and need a lot of personal orientation. Yet, there are quite a few mechanical methods that are required to manage the repetitive tasks associated with human resources.

It’s quite obvious that every business will need some kind of accounting system software that will help the company manage its expenses and also keep a track of their profits. When a business takes on a good HR software, it tends to benefit from the automated system rather than using manual paper and books.

Small businesses and startups may not be able to afford a complete HR system or software or team for managing employees and their needs. But there are quite a few factors that can be automated through online accounting software. Here’s a list of some.

How can a small business manage HR through accounting software?### Accounting software frees your staff

In small businesses and startups, often employees must take multiple job opportunities. Cloud-based accounting software gives your employees a lot of free time to engage in more innovative and productive activities. For instance, accounting software such as Giddh gives access of sales report generation to the sales staff. This team can generate these reports just by keying in a few details and don’t need to spend a lot of time making charts or presentations. As a result, the sales staff can be free for lead follow-ups or creating new systems of lead generation.

Keep your information safe

A vital task in human resource management is to maintain secrecy of crucial information and ensure that employees don’t leak it to third parties. If you choose a reputable accounting software, you will also sign up for increased security. Since a great online accounting software will have sensible user controls, not all staff can have the access to all the information. When updates or changes are made, they are made on cloud and notifications are sent only to the relevant staff.

Employee productivity

To err is human. And there’s no way you can completely eliminate the errors from employees. But each error incurs a certain cost. Some common errors that can be addressed with the help of accounting software are:

– Financial reports generated on accounting software help you compare the actual financial situation

– Discrepancies between timecards can be easily addressed on accounting software

– Sales reports can be made accurate by generating them right on the accounting software eliminating any chances of faulty sales performance analysis.

Employee performance

An additional point to the above is easy assessment of employee performance. You can create a statistical overview of performance heads on an accounting software. Each department can have its own performance report quantified under certain parameters and this can be recorded on the software. This frees up HR person who can then channelize energy into training under-performing employees.

Payroll management

A payroll management head can be easily created on a cloud-based accounting software. It can be easily managed like any other expense without needing any extra software. With a little training, any person from the staff can be trained to use it while applying user controls so not everyone has access to this information. You can manage the following things also on an accounting software –

– Employee time

– Delivering pay stubs

– Paying employees

– Payroll reports

Improving efficiency within the HR team:

When companies take on human resource management software, they begin to notice an improvement in the HR team. Repetitive tasks such as reviews probation can be automated in the software, and other tasks such as approving leaves and tracking absence can be delegated to the employees. This will enhance self-service functions.

Successful employee experience:

When HR departments take on business accounting software, it will help transform the employees’ perception of the HR department. When the software is user-friendly and designed well it can help abolish any outdated functions. A good accounting system, that enables HR functions, will allow the employees to look at the company as forward-thinking and that it enables good work as well.

An accounting system helps make better decisions:

Poor decision-making skills are one of the most common frustrations that come with an HR department that is unruly, unorganized, and inefficient. A good HR and accounting software will help you keep the employees accountable, analyze their progress, and help them make timely decisions. Once the employees are quick with decision making, then it cements the credibility of the HR department as well.

Business accounting software can automate repetitive tasks:

With modern accounting software repetitive tasks like invoicing, payment reminders and collection, statement, and budgeting can be automated. This is great because it saves on time and won’t add to the employee costs/time as well.

Payment run:

When you use a modern human resource management software that has a payment run feature, it will save you time and allow your staff to pull up supplier invoices quickly and help you check which accounts need payments as well.

Whether you want to run a small business or a large enterprise that holds thousands of employees, the accounts department will be super busy throughout the year. You don’t need an expensive HR management software to streamline your workforce. Accounting software like Giddh will work just fine especially if yours is a small business.

Cloud-based accounting software such as Giddh are going beyond just being an accounting software and have become problem-solvers for small businesses. If you are curious about how Giddh can help you manage your HR system, give us a call.