Giddh, December 13, 2017

What makes Giddh the most complete accounting software?

Realizing the need of simplifying complex accounting, being precise about the records, getting more work done in a short time, and reducing losses due to human errors; the demand of accounting software has increased. While there might be a few options available to choose from, it’s important that you choose the one that’s loaded with unique features to ease out your work. Giddh is a cloud based accounting software that makes this cut and here’s why it’s regarded as the most complete accounting software:

  1. Ledger sharing

The ledger sharing feature of Giddh helps you export and import your ledgers to and from other software seamlessly, enabling you to quickly share them through e-mail and SMS. This software lets you do the book-keeping and totaling of economic transactions in a very convenient way. So if you’ve been struggling with this ledger-thing, get this software now!

  1. Magic link

You know that some of your business records need to be kept confidential from business outsiders. And you also know that sometimes sharing of such records, say invoices or reports, becomes essential with some outsiders, like a potentials investors or clients. So there’s magic link which is nothing but a temporary URL created for any data or document. You share the magic link with the person and the document or data is shared as read-only type and that too for 24 hours only. This solves your problem without putting your data at the risk of being misused.

What makes Giddh the most complete accounting software?3. Permission

Giddh lets you, as an admin, have a control on which person of your team has an access to which part of the data and for what amount of time. So basically, it lets you grant role, IP and time based permissions regarding your data. This unique feature is why Giddh stands out in its field and is most preferable as an accounting software.

  1. Automation

There are accounting software which promise you huge benefits but you know where you’re going with it in the initial stage of installation and operation itself. It’s tedious. Giddh, on the contrary, seamlessly integrates its open API with your software and hence is ready to use at the go. You can easily set payment reminders, automate SMSs and emails to be sent to your clients, automate invoice generation etc.

Automation5. Simplify GST return or report

The implication of GST in economic transactions had led to a confusion which still many have not been able to solve. This accounting software Giddh is all set to work in compliance with GST. Hence you need not pay any extra attention to GST returns as well as other reports.

  1. Multiple user access

While most of the other software allow only limited number of user access, Giddh allows multiple user access. This means that you don’t have to upgrade every time. You can add, merge or move your accounts by adding related information. You can give access to different teams on the basis of their task. This syncs the work done by all users to one network and hence ensures better data keeping.

  1. Sales reports

Giddh not only allows data keeping but also helps you get inferences out if it whenever required. You don’t have to depend on your accountants for reports. The software generates sales reports for you which help you understand how much money you’re making and of your business needs to improve/ change its strategies.

If you have questions about accounting software and how you can make the best use of it, let us know.